Sponsors needed for symbolic Anti-Nuclear Dead Babies in our Indian Point Dead Baby World Tour. For a donation of $100.00 we will prepare, and ship one Indian Point Anti-Nuclear Dead Baby to you as his/her first stop in their travels. In addition to the purchase of dolls and materials, there are film and promotion costs associated with this campaign. If you would like a Nuclear Dead Baby, but cannot handle the full $100 donation, please send us a letter along with the amount that you are able to contribute, and we will do our best to ship one out to you. Take pictures of the doll, in front of environmentally dangerous nuclear sites if you can, shoot a video, and email us back the jpeg images or link to your YouTube Video along with your own story of why you are participating in this important Direct Action Campaign, and we will get it all posted onto our blog as one by one we expose the truth of Nuclear Energy (Both military and commercial as they are entwined). If you would like a Nuclear Dead Baby, but cannot afford a donation, please send us a letter, and we will do our best to ship one out to you, or find a doll, and we will get it registered as one of our dolls free of charge to you.
When you have finished, pass the doll along to another willing participant, ship it to friends in other states or countries, or kindly send the doll back to us, and we will send it out to another Direct Action Activist.
Send your sponsorship donations to:
Sherwood Martinelli
Indian Point Dead Baby World Tour
351 Dyckman Street
Peekskill, New York 10566
Questions, please email ipdeadbabytour@aol.com
PS...we are also accepting donations of old and/or tattered dolls.
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